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Eastern Cape Game Project

WildNet Africa No. WNET0014

Landscape Landscape

The farm consists of a number of farms measuring approximately 23 872 ha in extent.

The property is situated in the north-eastern Cape and extends to the Orange River at the confluence of the Caledon River.

The distances from important centres are as follows:

Wildlife-related properties in the area
Adjoining the above properties is the Upper Orange Game Reserve. The latter forms part of the Hendrik Verwoerd Nature Reserve consisting of 35 000 ha water and 10 000 ha land in extent. Across the Orange River and on the northern bank is "Tussen die Riviere", ("Between the Rivers") game farm (22 800 ha).

North-east of these properties and also across the river is the Goedemoed game farm, 12 000 ha in extent. Oviston Nature Reserve near the Gariep Dam is 13 000 ha in extent and is situated west of the property.

The topography of the property covers a large number of red ironstone hills (32%), magnificent flat country plains (37%) and perfect valleys (31%). Red ironstone hills provide excellent soil and consequently first-class grazing. The topography creates the different types of grazing which allows for a larger variety of game species.

Rain River

There is 40 km of Orange River frontage with direct access to the river of about 1 km. The Palmiet Spruit (small river) runs through most of the farm. It has strong fountains, currently dammed by weirs for irrigation. This is ideal for hippopotamus. There are also a number of permanent fountains in the larger ironstone hills currently providing excellent stock waters.

The water-table (depth) for windmills and boreholes varies from 16 - 30 metres. The approximately 70 windmills with at least 70 reservoirs, about 200 drinking troughs and approximately 40 earth dams, ensure more than sufficient infrastructure for the project. The 14 boreholes (average strength of 44 000 liters/hour) with pumps, supply the current needs for domestic use and irrigation. The property lies within the summer/autumn rainfall area, with rainfall varying from 400 - 500 mm per annum.

The summers are hot with cool nights and in winter the days are often warm after heavy frost. The summer temperatures vary between a minimum night temperature of 13°C and a maximum day temperature of approximately 40°C. Winter minimum is -5°C and the maximum approximately 20°C. It is important to note that this area is free of malaria and bilharzia.


The property have a good, balanced combination of the Acocks veld type 36 (False Upper Karoo), and the savannah of the Free State. The plains (30%) and valleys (35%) are covered with a strong grass component as well as good quality Karoo bush. The savannah section is ideal for the grazers, and the ironstone hills are sufficiently covered with good indigenous bush varieties for the browser species.

The carrying capacity of the properties, according to the Department of Agriculture, ranges from 9 - 13 ha to one large stock unit (LSU). About 1 923 LSU or 12,884 small stock units (SSU) can comfortably be accommodated on the property.

Game stock on hand includes the following species:

Cottage Cottage
Cottage Cottage

There are ten homesteads, six of which are used by the present owners, and the balance used as hunting cottages. Three of these homesteads have abattoires equipped for venison hunters. The outbuildings, sheds and staff cottages are sufficient.

A game fence has been erected to enclose approximately 5000 ha. There is a boma of 5 ha of which 2,4 ha is reinforced. A catching pen of timber 3 m high, as well as the loading ramp, is enclosed with reeds.
The main gravel roads in the area service the properties of this project only. This enables one to control traffic caused by the general public and hence also security.

This property presents the unique opportunity to start a wildlife project from scratch in one of the most successful and, at this stage, underrated (through lack of knowledge only) areas for a project of this kind.

R15 million. Currency table.

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